

Selection Procedure:

Companies have the never-ending task of interviewing, selecting and hiring employees. However, selecting the right individual for a job is extremely challenging. One wrong decision can be costly and it can adversely affect the entire organizational procedure. The selection process is quite lengthy and complex as it involves a series of steps before making the final selection. We design the selection process, keeping in mind the urgency of hiring people and the prerequisites for the job vacancy.

Understanding Requirements: Determine client expectations and assemble the term of professionals.

Searching: Conduct a broad search to establish candidates.

Pre-Screening: First shift of all applications and interested parties based on skills and experience.

Matching: Develop a list of potential candidates meeting the criteria.

Interview: Conduct extensive interviews to understand the abilities and skills of the candidates.

Selection: Selection of the most appropriate candidates to interview.

The entire process is carried out systematically so that every document is managed correctly. After the selection of the candidates, Mofa is released and the candidates are sent for medical checkups to know whether they are fit or unfit. Once the candidates are declared fit, the visa is processed.

The documents of the candidates are prepared after the visa is stamped. Files for each candidate are made which include a medical report, insurance policy, English and Nepali Agreement and Final Approval letter of the candidates. These documents are handed over to the candidates before their departure.

Travel Management:
The travel arrangement is the final procedure of our entire recruitment process. The travel arrangements are made immediately after the completion of previous procedures including orientation, medical and insurance. When the tickets are confirmed, other necessary procedures are carried out which include the signing of the contract papers and briefing. Final orientation is carried out before the departure to brief about the flights, tickets and the respective company. All their doubts are cleared during the orientation so that no issues are generated in the near future. Lastly, the documents comprising of candidate’s original passport, air ticket, and the government’s approval letter ishanded over to candidates with all the necessary information. Before the departure, we train them on all the traveling procedures until they reach their destinations. Follow-ups are made in order to make sure the candidates have reached the destination safely and placed to the respective company.